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HUTB Conducts the Flag-raising Ceremony and 895165522Speech under National Flag895165522 in the New Semester

2022-03-01 16:18:20

On February 28, HUTB held the first flag-raising ceremony and "Speech under National Flag" in the North and South Campuses. The activities of the South Campus were undertaken by School of Law & Public Administration and held in Yingcai Square; the activities in the North Campus were undertaken by School of Accounting and held in the square in front of Boxue Building. Heads of School of Law & Public Administration and School of Accounting, representatives of instructors, class advisors and students attended the activities.


At 7:00, accompanied by March of the Volunteers, the members of the National Flag Guard walked slowly to the flag-raising platform with sonorous and powerful steps. The national anthem was played, the flag bearer waved his arm, and the bright five-star red flag rose up slowly. All the faculty and students dressed neatly, lined up orderly, solemnly looked at the national flag, saluted with eyes, took off their hats, and sang the national anthem.


After the ceremony, Liu Qixiang, Dean of School of Law & Public Administration, gave a vivid first lesson to faculty and students under the national flag titled with "Sailing to Build the Youth, Living up to the Dream", which sounded the bugle call of the new semester. Tan Zhihong, Vice Party Secretary of School of Accounting, encouraged students to care for the motherland, aim for the highest and come down to earth, create the wonderful life in struggle, and contribute youth and strength to the motherland and people. Hao Siting, the most beautiful college student and a student from Class 1904 of Law, said that it is not advisable to "lie flat" and impossible to "lie to win" on the way forward. He will live up to the youth with his classmates at the new starting line and set sail at the right time.


Finally, the flag-raising ceremony and the "Speech under National Flag" ended successfully in the inspiring Song of Hunan University of Technology and Business. According to the requirements of the Notice on Raising the National Flag, University Flag and Speech under National Flag, the activities will be held every Monday or major anniversary with the aim to take the flag-raising ceremony as an important measure to educate people and build souls, and let faculty and students receive the baptism of "immersive" patriotism through solemn ceremony education, so as to enhance their feelings of loving and honoring HUTB. (Reported by Student Affairs Division and Defense Education Department)


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