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Professor Li Zheng'an from Tsinghua University Gives Lectures in HUTB

2022-03-18 16:27:48

On the afternoon of March 14, this year's first series of academic lectures on "Artistic HUTB" officially started. Li Zheng'an, a professor and doctoral supervisor from Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, was invited to give a lecture on "Design Integration and Innovation", which was held at School of Art & Design in Lingnan Campus and attended by Wu Can, Dean of School of Art & Design, Tang Zhaohui, Party Secretary of the School, representatives of teachers, and representatives of undergraduates and postgraduates majoring in visual communication design and environmental design in Class of 2023 and 2024. The lecture was chaired by Chen Wang, Vice Dean of School of Art & Design.


Professor Li Zheng’an introduced the running process of Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University and put forward the concept of "design integration" to all faculty and students. He believes that from the Central Academy of Arts & Design to Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, Chinese design art has experienced a long exploration, integration and innovation. The integration of design means "harmony, mastery and integration", and the highest realm of design can be summarized by "fine weather, favorable geographical position, beautiful material and clever men”. Combining with many design examples, he vividly explained how to "install" ideas, philosophy, aesthetics, etc. into art and design, and then "decorate" them in the form of beauty, thus presenting the extraordinary splendor, connotation and brilliance. He introduced how the Central Academy of Arts & Design, known as "Bauhaus of China", adhered to the education philosophy and practice of "cultivating students' innovative spirit and ability, strengthening professional basic teaching, constantly broadening students' knowledge and striving to improve students' comprehensive quality", With abundant cases, he analyzes how to realize the design integration and innovation in application, material, aesthetics, culture and brand.


Professor Li Zheng'an's vivid lecture made faculty and students deeply understand the design idea that "the orientation of design is integration, the core of integration is gathering advantages, and gathering advantages may be creating new ones". He encouraged everyone to draw nutrients and strength from the road they have traveled, integrate splendid culture with contemporary times, and bloom new brilliance in the new era. (Written by Wang Tengfei and photo by Chen Xinming, Tang Zhaohui and Tang Li from School of Art & Design)

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