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[Chinanews.com] Do practical things, do good things, and solve difficult problems - HUTB makes efforts to guarantee the happiness of faculty and students

2022-03-02 16:36:02

HUTB has set up a special fund of 10 million yuan for "common prosperity" to help the needy faculty pull through; invited more than 2,000 employers such as top 500 enterprises and listed companies to come to the campus for recruitment, providing nearly 160,000 jobs to meet the diversified job needs of students, with the employment rate of the 2021 graduates at a high level in the province; newly built campus sports center of more than 1,500 m2, constructed and renovated a number of high-quality sports venues such as wind and rain playgrounds and tennis courts to better meet the needs of faculty and students for sports and fitness; installed elevators in 20 faculty housing units to greatly improve the accommodation conditions of faculty, and launched a campus 24-hour service hotline platform to accurately and quickly handle nearly 4,000 matters with a completion rate of 100%...


In 2021, HUTB focused on "Doing Practical Work for Faculty and Students" in carrying out party history study and education activities. The people-centered development thought runs through every moment of high-quality development of HUTB, and vivid practical activities to serve faculty and students were carried out. Decision-making arrangements concerning the vital interests of faculty and students guaranteed the happiness of faculty and students.

 Create a new pattern of "Academy +", and the scholarly campus contributes to growth

In 2021, HUTB newly built Lingnan Shuwei Western Restaurant, Qiushi Academy and Qiusuo Academy. Since the completion of Xiande Academy in December 2016, there are now 10 modern academies in HUTB, with a total reading area of 45,000 m2, which has completed the network layout that students can find a learning space nearby within five minutes anywhere in the campus.

Modern academies have become a beautiful business card of HUTB, which has been highly praised by many visiting academicians, experts and government leaders who think that the construction of academies in HUTB is at the forefront of universities in China. Academies integrate the functions of book reading, reading corner, study and discussion, electronic reading, etc., creating a good learning environment for young students, greatly facilitating the learning and communication between teachers and students, and creating a strong learning atmosphere. They are affectionately called as "Treasure Academy" and "Online Famous Place" by faculty and students. Yesterday, the outlet of Modern China Tea Shop at Qiushi Academy officially opened, which is loved by everyone and added a touch of fresh tea fragrance for studying and reading.

Mr/Miss Wu, a sophomore from Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, said happily: “HUTB is really awesome, creating such a good reading environment for us, which really makes staying in the library and academy a very happy thing. I want to stay in the academy as soon as I have free time..."

Chen Xiaohong, CAE Academician and Party Secretary, said that books are beacons standing in the vast sea of time, and reading can enhance the realm, shape personality, cultivate temperament and edify connotation. She hopes that the students will make full use of the academies created by HUTB, absorb energy and knowledge in the ocean of knowledge, and strive to grow into outstanding talents with global vision, feelings of country, professionalism and benevolence.

Aim for "high quality" development - "Lectures for Cadres" promotes quality improvement

In order to meet the requirements for ability of cadres and faculty under the new situation, HUTB further deepened the training of cadres, played a good game of chess from top to bottom, and formed a learning system with full coverage.

Many vivid and cutting-edge high-quality reports, such as "The Spirit of Two Bombs - Our Feelings of Home and Country", "The Struggle Course and Basic Experience of the CPC", "How to Become an Excellent Manager", "Judgment and Challenge of Energy Development Situation under the Constraint of Double Carbon Goals", "Our Journey is the Star Universe" and Special Training on "S&T Innovation", were held on campus one after another.

This is an innovative "Lectures for Cadres" training course organized by HUTB. At present, it has been successfully held for three times, and 15 academicians, experts, government managers and famous entrepreneurs have been invited to HUTB for special training. Taking "Lectures for Cadres" as the starting point, HUTB solidly promoted "Establish Better Work Style, Change Study Style, Improve Quality and Seek Innovation", further cultivated the study habits, consolidated the management foundation and improved the management level.

"Lectures for Cadres" provides a rich spiritual feast, which plays a very important role in promoting and upgrading the ideals and beliefs, vision pattern, work ability and professional level of the broad masses of cadres and faculty, and is well received by cadres and faculty.

At the beginning of the new semester in 2022, HUTB held a three-day special reading class for university-level leaders and division-level cadres to study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and a training class for young and middle-aged cadres, which opened the first lesson of the New Year and which was not only a "timely rain" for empowerment, but also a "bugle call" for development, inspiring people to whip and forge ahead.

Promote the "Happiness and Peace" Project and Serve the People's Livelihood

New Party Congress of HUTB established the "Happiness and Peace" project as one of the "Seven Major Projects", and solidly promoted, served and guaranteed people's livelihood. Friendship Pavilion, the connecting door between Hetang Community and Heyuan Community outside the campus, was officially completed and put into use in November 2021. The couplet "The wall separates the north road from the south one, and the heart is connected with the happiness door" reflects everyone's aspirations. After receiving the request report from the Owners' Committee of Heyuan Community in early 2021, the Party Committee of HUTB attached great importance to it and conducted the serious study, and was determined to effectively solve this "pain point" and "difficult point" of the faculty of Heyuan Community, and open up two communities and repair the wall again, which was praised by 288 owners and faculty members. Some owners wrote a thank-you letter saying: "walking through this exquisite pavilion every day makes people feel very happy, the living taste of the community has improved a lot, and the new wall also makes people feel very safe" and "the Friendship Pavilion has brought great convenience to our lives and made us feel warm."

One branch and one leaf are always related to the tender feelings. Escorting people's livelihood from the subtleties, promoting the implementation of "Happy HUTB", and constantly enhancing the sense of acquisition, happiness and security for faculty and students are the best interpretation and epitome of practical activities of "Doing Practical Work for Faculty and Students" by HUTB.

There is no end to serving people's livelihood. In the new semester, HUTB will also make good use of the good mechanism formed by the practical activities of "Doing Practical Work for Faculty and Students", start the construction of new student apartments in the North and South Campuses and the construction of teaching complex buildings in the North Campus, and further promote the planning and construction of Moon Island Campus, medical and health center, Yayun Music Academy and other livelihood projects, so as to create a warm and comfortable campus life and learning environment for faculty and students, enthusiastically do practical things and solve difficult problems for the masses, take the mass line of the Party in the new era, and make the achievements of reform and development better benefit all faculty and students.


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