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27th Calligraphy Exhibition of HUTB Convenes

2022-05-19 16:34:45

On May 14, the opening ceremony of 27th Calligraphy Exhibition of HUTB was held at the Buduotang Art Museum in Lingnan Campus, and attended by Gan Dejian, Vice President of HUTB, Hu Zigui, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of Hunan Calligraphers Association, Yang Yuanzheng, former Secretary General of Hunan Calligraphers Association, and former chief leaders Lei Houjian and Tang Debin. The heads of Youth League Committee and other departments took part in the ceremony.

A total of 129 works created by more than 20 famous calligraphers in the province and the faculty and students were exhibited. The topics of exhibits closely follow the themes of "Celebrating the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" and "Celebrating the Centenary of the Founding of the Communist Youth League", with various styles, such as one-foot sketches, six-foot masterpieces, small and exquisite, or magnificent, giving people aesthetic enjoyment.


Hu Zigui, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of Hunan Calligraphers Association, was entrusted by Yan Fuchu, Vice Chairman of China Calligraphers Association and Chairman of Hunan Calligraphers Association, and conveyed his congratulations on the exhibition. He said that HUTB has a good calligraphy atmosphere and high artistic level, which is extremely valuable and worthy of praise.


After the opening ceremony, the student associations performed their own programs, and then held calligraphy pen meeting. (Reported by Feng Yong)

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