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HUTB Holds a Lecture on Fire Emergency Knowledge

2022-06-29 17:56:30

On the afternoon of June 21, in order to further raise the awareness of fire safety among teachers and students, improve the sudden fire emergency disposal capabilities, and ensure the safety and stability of the campus, a lecture on fire emergency knowledge of the Safety Education and Publicity Month organized by the Security Division of HUTB was held at the Yingcai Lecture Hall. Li Zhen, Captain of the Fire Rescue Brigade of Yuelu District, was invited to attend the lecture as the guest speaker. The lecture was attended by about 280 participants, including personnel from the Security Division and the Property Management Company and student representatives from all schools. The lecture was chaired by Ren Zhi, Director of the Security Division.


Focusing on the topic of “Pay Attention to Fire Control, Live A Safe Life” and in conjunction with typical university fire accident cases in recent years, Captain Li Zhen introduced the serious consequences of fire and the results of fire control, and explained relevant laws and regulations such as the Provisions on the Administration of Fire Safety at Institutions of Higher Learning. At last, he explained how to carry out the campus fire safety work in a science-based manner from five aspects, namely basic knowledge of fire control, common campus fire and prevention, fire hazard inspection and elimination, initial fire suppression, and personnel evacuation and escape.


Director Ren Zhi summarized the lecture. He pointed out that we must attach great attention and vigilance to potential safety hazards as they are always by our side. He hoped that all teachers and students will earnestly shoulder the responsibility of campus fire safety, strictly comply with fire control laws and regulations, and jointly create a happy and safe campus. (Reported by Yang Lei from the Security Division)

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